Getting fit is child’s play: Gamification in rehabilitation and physiotherapy |
More and more people love to play games – and do so on a regular basis by using a video game console or their cell phones. An opinion poll by the GfK research institute from last year shows that games cast a big spell on all age groups. It’s no surprise that a growing number of rehabilitation and physiotherapy concepts include game design elements to pursue recovery goals.
Saskia Melches – That's how she rolls |
Various assistive devices and a team of assistants help Saskia Melches to manage her active everyday life. Whether in or out of her home, she wants to lead as self-determined a life as possible. How society and the assistive technology industry could support her, what the jungle of Peru is all about and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on REHACARE.com.
Highlights of REHACARE 2022 |
Up close and live on site: REHACARE, the world's largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care, showed what the assistive technology industry has to offer in terms of technological innovations with numerous new and proven products to touch and try out. Whether rehabilitation, care, mobility or occupational participation – the diversity of the industry was omnipresent.
Funke Medical honoured as a finalist at "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" |
Funke Medical GmbH was named "Finalist of the Year 2022" in this year's "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" competition. For example, the medical technology manufacturer supports sustainable development and is one of a particularly committed corporate elite that continuously trains its employees.
Indiana University researchers receive $3.96 million to test dementia care app |
The I-CARE 2 randomized clinical trial will measure the impact of Brain CareNotes, a mobile telehealth application, on informal caregivers of patients living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Indiana University researchers receive $3.96 million to test dementia care app.